With the rise in mental health awareness across the globe, having a therapist has been something that has been advocated by many. We are all around told that we need to have a therapist. However, this gets taken out of context as many look for therapists even when there is no need to.
The emotions that come with not performing to one's best ability and when they aren't getting what they desire, they automatically switch to 'I need to go for therapy' just because they feel disappointment, guilt, and fear.
What you may not realize is that those emotions will always be there until you change what you do and how you do it.
Meaning that you may really be in need of a coach rather than a therapist.
When things aren't going your way.
When you lack optimal performance in your area of profession.
When your overall life and health seem to be in shambles. You don't need a therapist but a coach.
Remember, no one gets a pass from suffering in life. If you are alive, you are certain to face some struggles, including pain, anger, sadness, fear, and overwhelm. It is simply part of the deal. And these emotions which may require a therapist for their resolve, are caused by certain actions or lack thereof.
Therefore to diagnose the cause of these is to introspect on the actions you undertake or need to undertake to change the course of the direction you may be headed to.
And the only professional you may need is a coach. A coach that will guide you into the path you want to walk in rather than a therapist to make you feel better on the path you don't want to be in.
Where do I find you a coach? You may ask.
Well, you can find a coach anywhere. You can find a professional coach. I mean, if you are willing to pay for a therapist surely you can pay a coach.
You can find a health coach, financial coach, professional coach, etc. It all depends on what you desire.
But if you do not have money to pay for coaching guess what. You can get a coach for free via the Internet. Instead of the infinite scroll that has become a part of many people's lives, find educational and valuable YouTube channels, podcasts, audiobooks, and physical books.
Find someone that you'd ideally like them to be your coach then follow their content. Take their advice, align your values with theirs, and make all the necessary changes required to steer in the direction you need.
The emotions that place many in therapy are a result of what they did, are doing, or not doing. Which are emotions such as guilt, regret, fear, disappointment, anxiety, and the big one...depression.
In most cases, all those emotions can be changed in a snap of a finger just as a magician would. What is required is to merely do things differently.
So before you cry and seek a therapist, look back and see whether you can change how you feel by changing how you act.
Can what you're going through be possibly transformed by taking a step out of the path you walk in? If so, take the leap. If it's tough and you do not know how; find a coach.
The coach’s role is to get someone from surviving to thriving.
The onus is on each person to actively take the steering wheel, ask directions from the relevant people, and then drive to their desired destination.