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Are you ready to sucessfully play the game of life?


Life is a game and your success is predicated on how you play it. This book will guide you through all the necessary strategies and tools to successfully play the game of life, so that you can live the life you truly deserve.


On this book I  address the phenomenon that anybody has an innate power to not stay broke. I thoroughly detail the fact that many people are in broken states or conditions because they merely just choose to. Such as the victimhood mentality that many posssesses, the reluctance to be accountable for their own lives, the deep comfort that many find in being in their comfort zones, and the joy they find in mutual suffering. These are some of the issues I address as they are the main contributors to anybody not realising that he or she is too smart to stay broke, and therefore dismally fail in the game of life.


Inside this book, you'll find riveting stories that illustrate all the strategies and tools required for playing the game of life successfully.

So get your copy today!

Too Smart To Stay Broke (eBook)

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