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5 Psychological Manipulation Tricks To Know Before You Get Manipulated

Njabulo Mabanga

In our day-to-day social interactions, we encounter different forms of interactions and some of those are manipulations that may be done unto us by our friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.

The primary aim for manipulators is to make you do something you did not think of doing, to give them something you weren't planning to give or to make you feel the way they want you to feel. Basically to control you for their own benefit, sometimes to your own demise.

So, to avoid being manipulated, you ought to know some of the tricks used to manipulate people so you can counter them or stop them right before you get tricked.

Here are five psychological manipulation tricks to know to avoid being tricked:

1. Love Bombing

Is a form of manipulation in which someone gives you a lot of love and gifts to get power over you. At first, it might seem cute when a new friend gives you a lot of compliments and gifts. But it could be love bombing, which leads to them being psychologically superior to you.

2. Reciprocity Exploitation

This is one of the most popular forms of manipulation. Some people may do you a favor or give you a gift with the hope of getting something in return. Even though people are taught to be kind to each other, this can be used against them. Recognize the reason behind acts of kindness to avoid being taken advantage of.

3. Understand Victim Playing

Manipulators may act like the victims to get people to feel sorry for them or to get out of taking responsibility. This strategy is commonly used by those who blame others for their own mistakes. Victim players try to make others feel responsible or accountable for whatever is happening in their lives.

4. Emotional Blackmail

Emotional blackmailers use fear, duty, and guilt to get what they want. For instance, a friend might make you feel bad about yourself if you don't spend time with them deliberately ignoring the fact that you need to focus on your own needs. By being aware of this, you can easily see this blackmail and therefore set boundaries and limits.

5. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological trickery in which someone makes you doubt your own reality or sanity. You've been gaslighted if someone has ever made you question your memories or beliefs. Knowing about this trick can protect you and aid you in building a defense mechanism for whenever a manipulator tries to gaslight you.

These are some of the psychological tricks that will help you to easily spot a manipulating trickster before they attempt taking advantage of you.



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