Life is harsh and for many of us, we are not aware of these harsh realities until they unexpectedly hit us in the face. Knowing these realities, not only saves us from potential heartaches but gives us the wisdom required to strategically forge the relationships we have and sculpt the future we desire.
Below I have compiled ten harsh realities of life, that once you know them you will lead a more peaceful and harmonious life than you could have if you did not know them:
1. The nicer you are, the more people take advantage of you
Though generally, the world propagates for us to be nice to each other, the fact is that the more nicer you are or become, the more people you will take your niceness for their own selfish advantage.
2. You will be judged by society
Society will always judge you, no matter what you do. It is very easy and natural for people to form a quick judgment, and some such impressions last forever.
3. Love is conditional
Even the love from your parents is conditional, though society's false consensus says otherwise. You'll realize in retrospect that very few people really loved you whilst others just wanted something out of you.
4. Nobody cares about you as much as you think they do
Among all your friends and relatives, there are actually a very chosen few people who actually care about you. Very few people will come forward when you need them.
5. Whether you like it or not, people will talk behind you
People enjoy speaking about another person in their absence, this is because human beings love gossip. That is sadly just how it is. Sometimes it would be the people whom you trusted the most. Learn to ignore them because everywhere you go, people will speak behind your back.
6. People will seldom support you
Those whom you think may support you the most in your endeavors, the likelihood is that they will not. Until they see many others support you or when and if you become popular that is when you will start seeing their support.
7. No one is coming to save you
No matter how much you may rely on someone, the bottom line is that only you can save yourself. You have to get your life on track on your own. It’s your responsibility, no one else’s.
8. Nothing is certain about the future
You can do everything you can and still not get the future you think of. Life is always changing and the likelihood is that something will happen that you didn’t even consider.
9. You'll realize that you can't be friends with everyone
And you don't have to be. You will encounter people who will not like you and vice versa, and that is fine. Accept this fact sooner than later.
10. You will make a few enemies on the way
You cannot win over everyone. While you make friends, you will also gain some enemies on the way. This cannot be avoided, unfortunately. More often than not, you will have enemies that you do not even know are your enemies.
As you might have realized, some of these are counterintuitive to what we might have been taught from an early age and how we have been socialized. But they unfortunately are true. That is why they are harsh and why they distraught many when they encounter them. To avoid the distraught is to know these.