The people you say are extraordinary are just ordinary people who do a little extra than the rest. For those who are employed, what distinguishes them from the mere ordinary is what they do after their work hours.
Yes, your work does add value to your life but only to a certain extent.
If you are in your younger years such as in your twenties and thirties, how your life is built or going to shape in your older years is mostly guided by what you do after or beyond your work hours.
The extraordinary who turn out to have better lives in their future always choose the hard path, and the rest always tend to choose the easy way and do the easy things day in and out.
After or beyond work hours, some choose to binge-watch Netflix every day, some choose to hone their skills and build something of their own. The choice lies within each individual.
Your 9-5 job has the potential of making you a fortune but that rarely happens especially if you are a black person and that is a reality. So, the chances of you making it out of the mere ordinary life requires you to do the extra - which means you ought to be conscious of what you do with your free time.
Many tend to make excuses for getting some rest because they are tired.
"I need to rest" - so they say.
There is nothing wrong with rest, we need to get that energy and to maintain our sanity. But there is a difference between rest and chilling. Some start by taking a rest, then chill, and before they know it they are deep in their comfort zones. Fast forward down the line, they see the so-called "extraordinary" and identify them as lucky or privileged or whatever. Forgetting that those individuals only did a little extra than them, simple.
Many are chilling instead of resting. And therefore they shall reap the fruits of the chillers.
Others put in extra effort. And therefore shall reap the fruits of hard workers which is becoming extraordinary human beings.
The choice lies within oneself.