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Njabulo Mabanga

Is It What We Think or What We Do That Matters?

Human behavior can be complex in its nature and somewhat can be difficult to predict if you do not have the required data to make a prediction about certain individuals or groups. And that difficulty can beg the question of what is more important, our thoughts or behavior?

Well, the simple answer to this would be: behavior is guided by our thoughts, what we do first starts off in our minds then we act upon those thoughts.

But this answer is not really sufficient.

Our mental capacities and maturity play a major role.

An immature teenager can act without thinking, an angry person can commit an act without clearly thinking about it, or a person under some influence of substance can act without applying any rationality to their behavior. These individuals get guided by their emotions or what they feel at that moment and therefore act upon those feelings, they do not think about their actions prior.

With the above examples, it is clear that behavior committed without being given thorough thought cannot suffice to be the correct one in most cases. So, thinking about an act before committing to it is of paramount importance.

But wait. There can be different scenarios.

There are people who think good deeds and say good things but their actions completely contradict their words, words that come from their thoughts. For example, a person may say all the ideas they have to better their lives but never do anything about them. They do none or completely different acts to what they speak. When you speak to them you can swear they are the wisest but their actions or behavior says something different.

In such cases, their behavior would be of paramount importance over the good thoughts they merely speak.

So, the best answer to the question "Is It What We Think or What We Do That Matters" is neither.

What we think is not more important than what we do, and what we do is not more important than what we think. These two are interrelated

For a better fruitful life, one has to apply both, synergically so. Focusing on one and ignoring the other will more than likely not yield any positive result.

So, what matters is that we think about our acts before committing to them, and we act in accordance with our thoughts which may translate into the words we speak to ourselves and others.

Our thoughts and what we do equally matter if we were to measure their importance.

Therefore to live a harmonious life, one ought to have a synergic coherence between his thought and the acts they do. Doing one over the other can bring disruption, discord, and chaos into one's life and the relationships they have with others.

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