In your quest to build something worthwhile and of value, you will encounter groups of people or individuals who will attempt to break what you are building. But they will start off by attacking your character before your endeavor.
People see those who do things things they cannot fathom as some sort of "special" since they themselves cannot think in such magnitudes.
This is because if they see you as a hard worker, diligent, and disciplined, what would that mean of them?
So they automatically take an assumption that you may be somewhat super talented or have some specialized gifts. That puts them at ease when they cannot do things that you can.
As we all know, envy breeds jealousy.
Once those emotions creep in, they will want to attack whatever you are trying to build or have built to disprove their own self-brought assumptions that you are an extraordinary being by thinking and doing things they never even dream of.
To prove that there is nothing special about you, they will start off by attacking your character as a person. For the mere purposes of proving to themselves and their fellow naysayers that you are a mere mortal. When indeed you are. You just work a little bit harder than they do, but they unfortunately don't see it that way.
Attacking your character is to delusionally prove to themselves and others how much of a bad person you may be, how stupid you are, or how malevolent you are. In almost all such instances these perceptions are orchestrated or overexaggerated so they suit their narrative.
The primary point of these negative perceptions of your character is to paint you with a certain color to those around you. And to those who may have never even seen you.
"learn to destroy your enemies by opening holes in their own reputations.
Then stand aside and let public opinion hang them."
- Robert Greene
We all have flaws but any little flaw you have or show, will be over-exaggerated. This is the first means for envious individuals to break you and what you've built.
When you are trying to build anything of value, expect this to happen. Because it will.
And will likely come from those within your close surroundings.
These are the first attempts people use to give you a negative identity before they go for the substance you build. The onus is on you to not take on that identity that they will attempt to coat you with.
Now how do you avoid such? You may ask.
When you are seen as a person of high value, you cannot evade this type of attack. Whether you don't say anything, or do nothing. You can stay at home, closed doors, or you can go out, whatever you may do or not do, if you are perceived as a person of high value, attacks on your character will inevitably come.
So, in your quest to succeed, build, and create things of super value, know that your character will be attacked first before the value you create. Knowing this is wisdom that will guide you in setting up strategies and tactics to implement when these attacks come.
In protecting your assets, be mindful of the fact that your character is the first point of attack when enemies come for you.