What can stand between being successful at completing our tasks and failing is our level of productivity. Many often fail at being productive enough and find themselves not being able to accomplish what they have set to achieve.
We easily get distracted by various factors in our environment and find ourselves dismally failing to accomplish what we have planned simply because we are not productive enough.
I have complied ten effective ways to be more productive - which are ways that can help you to consistently accomplish those daily, weekly, and yearly goals you have:
1. Tackle your most important tasks first 8am - 10am is “Crush” time. During this time, get the most challenging tasks out of the way. Whichever task you are dreading the most is probably the one you need to complete first thing in the morning.
2. Plan tomorrow tonight Create a list of simple to-do's at night. That can help you hit the ground running in the morning, it will create a momentum so you are able to complete all the activities and tasks you have set.
3. List your “crucial results” for the day Create a list of your top 3 crucial results for each day. This will help you plan each day and make sure you’re maintaining focus on the most important tasks each day.
4. Change your self-talk A simple shift in perspective can do wonders for your motivation and energy levels. Instead of saying “I have too much to do today!”, say “These are the two things I need to focus on today. ”
5. Use idle time to deal with admin tasks
Waiting in line at the grocery store, at the bank, in the elevator, etc. Bring a book you’ve been meaning to read, or clear a few emails.
6. Learn to say no
Learn to say no more often to guard your time.
A saying “no” tip: When someone comes to you with a request that you need to say no to, simply ask them to give you 10 minutes to finish what you’re working. By the time you come around to find out what they wanted, they’ll often have figured it out on their own.
7. Start the day with structured ’me time’
Go through email and social media updates that have piled up and triage the backlog. Knock out quick responses. Schedule the bigger tasks. And delete the stuff that is irrelevant or not important.
8. Use checklists for repetitive tasks to reduce errors
Particularly when you are overworked or are operating under time constraints, checklists keep you on track.
9. Eliminate personal distractions
Personal distractions could also kill your productivity. When you let personal distractions interfere with your work, you would easily lose focus and waste time doing nothing.
10. Find the real, motivating reason for completing the task
If you experience a slump in your usual productivity, a lack of motivation might be the culprit. Motivation is the fuel for productivity and generating it is as simple as tying the task at hand back to the bigger goal.